About Rob Hunter

M.S. and Ph.D. in Veterinary Pharmacology. Thirty years of veterinary and human drug development experience with NASA, Pfizer, Elanco, Parnell, and Provetica. Contributed to the US and/or global approvals of Revolution®, Dectomax®, Aviax®, Doxidyl, A180®, tylosin, Micotil®, Pulmotil®, Ovugel®, Kexxtone®, ractopamine, Experior, Posilac®, Bovaer®, and Acesovita® with others in development or under regulatory review. Internationally recognized subject matter expert on pharmacokinetics, veterinary bioequivalence, antimicrobial PK/PD, interspecies allometry, drug metabolism, BE, and tissue residues/human food safety (CVM/FDA GFI #3), along with corresponding bioanalytical support. I have served on and chaired several AHI committees and represented the U.S. veterinary pharmaceutical industry on the VICH BE expert committee. I have represented various companies at CVM/FDA, EMA/CVMP, APVMA, VDD (Canada), NVQRS/QIA (South Korea), Thailand FDA, NVAL (Japan), Ministry of Agriculture (Vietnam), and IVDC (China) regarding specific products, issues, and/or policies. I am a past president of the American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. I serve as a member of the Editorial Boards for the Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Journal of Zoo & Wildlife Medicine (Associate Editor), Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Frontiers in Antimicrobials, Resistance, and Chemotherapy (Associate Editor), American Journal of Veterinary Research, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association,Research in Zoology, and the Journal of Primates.