About Our Research

The Luis Quintanilla Mural Restoration project was created with the intent on restoring the murals in Haag Hall. Scroll below for more details.

Mission Statement

We are a group of professors, students, and independent scholars dedicated to the restoration and public acknowledgment of the Luis Quintanilla Murals at UMKC's Haag Hall.


Quintanilla Research Team

To the left is Dr. Alberto Villamandos, Dr. Viviana Grieco, Chris Wolff, Adam Cardenas Sisk & Victoria Dominguez.

Damage on the Murals

Our interest in restoring the murals started in 2020, after the visit of Dr. Iñaki Garate Llombart, who drafted a restoration plan that reported damaged sections on the different panels. Our work also hopes to attract more public interest these unique artistic pieces from the 20th Century. For more information on the damages, please visit Roo News.


Photos of the Current State of the Murals 

The images on the  far-right side of the page show some damaged sections.