Physical Literacy of Marginalized Middle School Adolescents in Kansas City Public Schools.

Eighmy, K. E., Lightner, J. S., Grimes, A. R., & Miller, T. (2022). Physical Literacy of Marginalized Middle School Adolescents in Kansas City Public Schools. Pediatric Exercise Science, 34(4), 169–174.


PURPOSE: Physical inactivity among adolescents in the United States continues to be a pervasive and growing problem, especially among low income and adolescents of color. Physical literacy is important for adolescents to engage in physical activity. However, few studies have assessed physical literacy among marginalized populations. The purpose of this study is to describe levels of physical literacy among marginalized adolescents in a Midwest City.

METHODS: Data were collected from 169 participants (85 adolescents and 84 parents). Adolescents included in the study were from 4 Kansas City (Missouri) public schools. Univariate statistics were calculated for 3 physical literacy domains (PLAYinventory, PLAYself, and PLAYparent). To assess for differences among groups, the authors conducted a single-factor analysis of variance (1-way analysis of variance).

RESULTS: The sample (N = 169) was primarily Hispanic (48.2% adolescents and 42.9% parents). Sedentary behaviors were self-reported as the highest overall activities adolescents participated in within the past 12 months. The mean physical literacy score for this sample was 71.9 among adolescent reported and 72.7 among parent reported. Analysis of variance of racial and ethnic groups for PLAYself and PLAYparent assessments showed no significant difference in values. Compared with other subscales of both the PLAYparent and PLAYself instrument, parents and adolescents showed a lack of confidence in adolescent's ability to be active in the 4 environments (land, water, ice, and snow).

CONCLUSION: Physical literacy is shown to be important in maintaining physical activity throughout life; given this, it is important to understand how to increase confidence of seasonal specific skills in marginalized adolescents.

Last updated on 07/25/2023