Advanced Student Development Theory (EDUC-UL 5558)

Semester: Fall
Year offered: 2023

Description: This 3-credit hour course provides an in-depth examination of student-development theory as it relates to traditional and non-traditional college students. Principle focus is on psychosocial and cognitive theories. Examination includes the roots, origins, and current precepts of theories and the efficacy in general to higher education administration. In class we focus on application to practice and use a critical lens to learn how theory can help us better understand our students' development and experience on campus and how we can use theory to improve student outcomes. 

In 2022, I "flipped" the classroom, moving review of reading materials (short lecture) to a video that students could access prior to class, and shortening the class meeting by about 45 minutes. The class meeting itself, which had always included significant group discussion and case study examination, became much more focused on practical application and discussion rather than mixing in review via lecture. Students overwhelmingly endorsed this "seminar" format and we will try it again in Fall 2023 with a larger class. 

Mode: This class is typically offered face to face, with a 1-2 online asychnronous meetings.

Course Catalog

Sample Syllabus

Related Materials